Dulce Vida Pineapple Jalapeno Tequila 750ml
Dulce Vida Pineapple Jalapeno Tequila 750ml
750ml | 35.0 ABV
Product details
- Size 750ml
- ABV 35.0%
- Country Mexico
- SKU 125738
Dulce Vida produces our tequila in the village of San Ignacio Cerro Gordo at Campanario (NOM 1443) utilizing a Maquila approach to our operations, whereby our team is actively engaged in every detail, from harvest through distillation and aging. This vertically integrated approach is very different from an arms-length transaction of importing products or buying liquid from a distillery. The concept of sustainability was very strategic in the selection of our tequila production facility. The facility not only had to be capable of making an award-winning product but also had to meet requirements for organic production and overall sustainability measures being a kind partner to the environment and the local community